Friday, October 10, 2014

The Hurt of Healing

The mere thought of the process of healing being painful is enough to make the strongest individual shudder in fright.  Why?  Simply put, no one likes pain…especially pain in the midst of pain.  Haven’t we been through enough?  Why in the world would someone volunteer on a daily basis to submit to unwanted discomfort?  Because the pain that we endure for the sake of Christ and Him crucified is not for this life only, but for an eternal life to come. 

I can never come close to illustrating this for you as well as Paul does.  Often times through his letters to churches and individuals he mentions the numerous trials and adversity he and his followers have faced.  In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NIV he summarizes his afflictions by stating, “we are hard pressed…; perplexed; persecuted; [and] struck down”.  Nevertheless, in the beginning of verse 16 of this chapter he declares that he will not give up.  “Therefore we do not lose heart.”  Why, why, why?  Why would someone endure such affliction?  We now see his absolutely beautiful response to the question of why in verse 17.  “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (emphasis mine).