Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Need for Healing Revealed

The further that I am removed from my previous abusive situation, the more that I come to understand the absolute necessity of healing.  As so many often do, I felt that my deliverance from the abusive relationship would be enough.   I figured that I would need a little time to work through some issues, but since I was already a Christian, I concluded that healing was most likely taking place or already done.  Being gone was my freedom and all I needed…so I thought. 

I have been wrong many times in my life, but I don’t think it has ever been to the great degree that I experienced with this crazy assumption!!  I had escaped!!  Should that have not lifted the load of weight upon me?  In some ways I might be able to say yes.  It did lift a load, but not the load.  Wasn’t getting out with my life more than enough?  Again, affirmative only to an extent.  I was alive, but I was not living.  Wasn’t I free from the oppression cast upon me?  Absolutely!  Nevertheless, the bondage that I was still under kept me in walls of captivity of a different sort.   

I slowly began to discover that what I needed healing from was not what I left behind, but rather what I had carried away with me.  Day after day God was showing me that healing was not going to be an option.  It was a dire need, one of which I could not circumvent if I wanted to move on in my life and progress in my walk with Him.  Yes, I could have carried on and neglected the need for healing, but where would that have left me?  Still empty, hopeless and wandering; searching for more in this life…just as I was before.  I knew that there was more and I wanted to live the life that Christ spoke of, a life that He wanted to grant me.  He didn’t want me to merely survive, He wanted me to have life and live it to the fullest.  John 10:10 And so did I.   

Let me say that the belief that healing was most likely unnecessary was the first of several incorrect theories on healing.  As God exposed the need for healing to take place in my life I began seeking it.  However, here once more my assumptions were met by a wall of truth that did not feel good to run up against.  Now on my way to recovery, the path should be quick and easy.  Wrong again.

I, like so many others, tend(ed) to believe that the mere physical release from an abusive situation is enough to set us free for a lifetime and we become discouraged when we discover this is not the case.  And we become further distressed when it doesn’t take place in the time span and ease of effort that we would desire.  These are nothing but fallacies set to deter us from receiving what we need.  Our enemy, Satan, may not have been able to stop us from being delivered physically.  However, he would love nothing more than for us to continue to live as captives. 

We have that choice and it is within our means to maintain our captivity or to begin walking in the freedom and liberty that Christ so desperately desires to give.  I made my choice and that was to be completely set free and it is a choice that I have to make every single day, lest I succumb to the lies of the enemy and fall back into the snare of the past.  This path is been far from easy and is taking much longer than I desire, but I can truly attest to the fact that is worth every mile.  The joy, peace, hope, freedom, and love that I continue to glean are the priceless treasures that I have obtained along this way and they are mine to keep, nurture and grow.  To simply sum it up, the benefits continue to still outweigh any and all costs!

In the following posts I want to delve into these fallacies:  healing is not necessary, healing is easy, and healing is quick; so that they might be exposed for what they truly are, lies.  How better to do that than to compare them to the Word of God, Truth!



  1. Hi Beth. Glad that you are writing again. Such a needed message for many of us. God Bless.

    1. Thanks, Lisa!! I am so excited about what God is doing within me and want to share that. May it be a blessing to others. Love and miss you all!!
