Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Need for Healing Revealed

The further that I am removed from my previous abusive situation, the more that I come to understand the absolute necessity of healing.  As so many often do, I felt that my deliverance from the abusive relationship would be enough.   I figured that I would need a little time to work through some issues, but since I was already a Christian, I concluded that healing was most likely taking place or already done.  Being gone was my freedom and all I needed…so I thought. 

I have been wrong many times in my life, but I don’t think it has ever been to the great degree that I experienced with this crazy assumption!!  I had escaped!!  Should that have not lifted the load of weight upon me?  In some ways I might be able to say yes.  It did lift a load, but not the load.  Wasn’t getting out with my life more than enough?  Again, affirmative only to an extent.  I was alive, but I was not living.  Wasn’t I free from the oppression cast upon me?  Absolutely!  Nevertheless, the bondage that I was still under kept me in walls of captivity of a different sort.